Lake Baikal


Lake Baikal


     Lake Baikal is the largest fresh water lake in the world giving it alot of power becuase water is a necessity for everyone.  It can also be classified as one of the oldest lakes and the deepest lake in the world. About one-fifth of the world's fresh water supply and over 80 percent of the fresh water in the Soviet Union comes from this lake.


 Lake Baikal - Olchon IslandThe lake in the summer, as seen from Bolshoi Koty on the southwest shore


Animals and Plants

Lake Baikal has many different animals. Its inhabitants consists of the freshwater seal, the nerpa, and many fish in the water such as the salmon sturgeon, the grayling, omul, and the bullhead. Animals in the habitat surrounding lake Baikal consist of the brown bear, mountain goats, snow sheep, Alpine feild-vole marmots, and lemmings. More animals living around the large lake are red foxs, American Minks, Rein Deer,White tailed deer, elk, musk deer, Roe deer, Siberian roe,wild boar, water rats, musk rats, moose, polecats, ground squirrels, feild-voles, Ermine, Kolinsky, Alpine hair, chipmunk, and sables. Some of the many birds that live near Lake Baikal are owls, ducks, seagulls, bald eagle, hawks, eagles, and partridge.



 The Turkic tribe from the VI-th to XI-th centuries lived along the shores of lake baikal and were called the Turikans. The Turikans hunted, fished and gathered food from the lake and also breed cattle. The turikans were also extremely good at blacksmithing and processing iron in which they used to make utensils and weapons. Woman in the Turic tribe would process felt which they used for clothing and footwear and men built wooden frames of yurts and they would often make carriages, weapons, wove ropes and sewed harnesses. The main religeon of the Turikans was Shamanism which was a high belief in spirits. People of the tribe who claimed they had connections with nature and other amazing powers were respected and usualy led the tribe.